The Polish fashion label, MISBHV, has taken to Instagram to announce its new eco programme.
Started by Natalia Maczek and Thomas Wirski in 2013, the brand was originally created as a satirical side project for fake designer T-Shirts. After deciding to sell their work online in 2015, the brand received a number of high profile customers and became the luxury streetwear brand we all know and love today.
Understandably, as a young brand thinking about cost efficiency and consumer needs, it has never been well-known for having an outstanding sustainability rating. However it would appear that’s all about to change.
On May 10th the brand announced its new 2020 100% recyclable packaging, produced using 100% green energy. The new packaging is supposedly made out of nothing other than post-consumer waste, popular for its biodegradable properties. As well as being biodegradable the packaging is also recyclable and free of both chlorine and acid.
This comes with the acknowledgement that the fashion industry is taking a massive ecological toll on our planet being the second largest polluter in the world, just after the oil industry. As we’ve all seen from the recent pandemic the only thing that can help with this issue is drastic change. For fashion this surely means changing materials used for packaging plus adapting methods of production amongst many other things.
It seems MISBHV aims to eventually become a brand completely dependent on natural resources, later announcing another new packaging replacement; eco bags. These are made out of recycled plastic bottles and will come into place next season.
With quarantine and the economic recession looming over all businesses both small and large, brands like MISBHV have been forced to rethink future priorities. Luckily for us from 2021 the brand hopes to go completely sustainable and eco friendly, by using 100% organic, heavy weight and custom made cotton for all its collections. In comparison to conventional mass market cotton, this uses a staggering 62% less energy and 71% less water.
I think we can all agree it’s a step in the right direction. For more information on the movement check out MISBHV’s Instagram @misbhv.

Article written exclusively for 14HQ, read here.
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